Do You Realize How Valuable You Are? Advertisers, search providers, and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you getting?
You Deserve A Piece of the Action AGLOCO gets paid by companies to reach our Members through our Viewbar™ software.We give that money back to you.
Build the Community, Make More Money Through our Referral Program, we reward those who are helping to build this Global Community. The bigger the community, the more money AGLOCO makes for its Members.
What's the Catch? No catch. Sign up, refer your friends, download the free Viewbar™ software and surf the Internet as you normally would.
Privacy Counts. Your information will never be sold, rented,or shared with anyone else. Bulletproof privacy is a core commitment of AGLOCO

Below is the sample form. You can NOT fill out this form. Please CLICK HERE to proceed to the actual registration form

(1) MONTH/DAY/YEAR (2) You need to enter those green numbers into the box provided (3) Click this little box (4) Hit this last button to JOIN

Now, go to your email box to check whether Agloco email has arrived. Open the email, and find the PASSWORD. Click the link provided in the email and you will be taken to Agloco website to SIGN IN.

After you have successfully signed in, you are asked to change the Agloco password with the password of your choice. Change your password and YOU ARE DONE! Welcome to AGLOCO...

AllAdvantage and Agloco

There was another company about six years ago called AllAdvantage that worked the same way as Agloco. In fact, some of the old AllAdvantage staff are involved with Agloco. It's too bad that AllAdvanatge became a victim of the dot com bust period back in 2001 when all the online advertising dried up for a few years (before rebounding to the staggering numbers it reaches now) or I am sure they would be still be going strong today.

AGLOCO Controversey

For some strange reason, this company has stirred controversey in the blogosphere. I think the controversey is ridiculous. The biggest complaint bloggers have about Agloco is that the previous incarnation (AllAdvantage mentioned above) went out of business because it paid its members too much money. Yes, you read that right. AllAdvantage paid its members over $100,000,000 (that's one hundred million dollars) in a a two year period (about 1999-2001) before the online advertising business went south in the dot com bust. Many members of AllAdvantage can testify that they received payment.

However, some bloggers have serious concern regarding this. These bloggers think that is a problem? Are they serious? I'll be glad to get my share of the one hundred million this time, thank you very much. I think these tech guru bloggers are simply feasting on sour grapes because they didn't get in on the opportunity last time and have been kicking themselves ever since.

Just to be clear, you will not find a single blogger complaining that he or she was not paid last time. Everyone got paid what was earned. The company just couldn't sustain the business model without enough advertising. (In 2006, the online advertising business has exploded as billions are spent in online advertsing annually now).

Besides, then as now, there was / is no cost to join anyway! It's all free. Whether you make two dollars a month, twenty dollars a month, or two thousand dollars a month, you are only doing what you would do anyway which is use the Internet. Why are these people complaining about free money?

Is it Spyware?

There's a dreaded word. Spyware is something that tracks web or computer usage without the knowledge or consent of the user. Are the Nielsen ratings "spyware" because the company tracks television viewing habits in order to come up with the ratings? No, they aren't since the Nielsen families are volunteers in the process, just as anyone who signs up for Agloco is. The company clearly states on the Agloco website what information they are gathering such as the URL of the visited site. If no information was tracked, then they couldn't be serving targeted ads and we web surfers wouldn't be making any money which would ruin the whole point.

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